My name is Eric Charles, I am a 30yr old photographer, videographer, graphic designer, digital sculptor, animator, web designer, and I've been known to dabble in many other creative outlets, such as ceramics, music, leather working, meta/instagram filters, and game design. For a more formal bio/CV, please visit my About page, and to contact me you can find everything you need on my Contact page.
After coming out of high school with a passion for robotics and computer science, I found myself at the University of Kentucky studying Computer Science. After a couple of semesters, I decided to switch to Art Studio to follow my passion; I simply could not see myself in the engineering field after college. I took great interest in all forms of digital art, especially digital 3D animations and renderings, and I found a way to use CGI in all of my studio art classes; from merging videos and photos with CG imagery, to making a videogame art gallery, to making 3D models as maquettes of sculptures that I wanted to make in ceramics or woodshop class.
Currently I work as a marketing manager at Central KY Motorsports, where I work to generate content for their social media, ads, website, and anything else relating to photography, videography, graphic design, or web design. I was also the photographer & videographer for SoFar Lexington. I am always looking for contracting work for anything mentioned above; I have professional experience in web design, photography, videography, animation, 3D printing, and graphic design.
My starting rate is generally around $25/hr, but prefer to work with you to determine a fixed price per project. I am willing to work with you to find a fair price for whatever you may need. As well, if you see something you like, I would be more than willing to have it printed and framed for you, I can also make stickers of any image on my site.
Latest work, via Instagram
Problem with the site? Please send me an email so that I can fix it!
Last updated September 2024
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